
Check out our latest tours

Destination-Based Trips

These trips are introductions to particular regions, such as Oaxaca, Chiapas or Yucatan. They serve as an excellent overview of the people, land, food, past civilizations, flora and fauna of the particular destination:

Discover Colombia!

This extraordinary journey provides an excellent overview of where South America begins! With its vast mountain chains and its fertile green valleys, you will see how this combination of latitude and altitude make it one of the world’s coffee growing centers. We will explore the fascinating world of Cali, where salsa dancing reins supreme. We also will visit the pearl of the Caribbean, the walled city of Cartagena…

Acapulco, Carnaval & Textiles, Costa Chica: Guerrero & Oaxaca, February 2023

We explore the multiple ethnic communities of Oaxaca (and Guerrero) to learn of their cultural and ethnic expressions in dress and textiles. From the Amuzgo in Guerrero to the Mixtec, Huave, Zapotec in Oaxaca we will see how textile traditions and dress are a cultural passport and unique expression of the women (and some men) who live in this region.

Charros, Mariachis and Tequila: The Best of Jalisco!

With the WNMU Foundation, we’ll experience the best of Jalisco! From the Art of the Charro, Tequila, Mariachis, Murals, Pottery in Jalisco, we’ll cover a lot of ground! We’ll learn about the distilled spirit that is synonymous with Mexico, by immersing in the town that bears its name: Tequila!

Monarchs and the Mazahua

Join us on a journey to learn about and witness one of nature’s wonders–the monarch butterfly migration. Here, in the fir trees of Michoacan at between 8,000-12,000 feet, the monarch butterflies take rest for the winter months after flying over 3,000 miles. Here, they cluster in groups on the fir trees to stay warm. During the day, they enjoy the sunshine and can be seen flying in massive groups…